This database of arterial pulse waves is designed to be representative of a young, healthy subject at different levels of mental stress. It contains simulated pulse waves at common measurement sites. Simulations were conducted for different cardiovascular properties based on the haemodynamic changes with stress reported in the literature.
The database contains arterial flow rate (Q), luminal area (A), pressure (P) and photoplethysmogram (PPG) pulse waves at a range of measurement sites, including: (i) aortic root; (ii) carotid artery; (iii) brachial artery; (iv) radial artery; (v) finger; (vi) femoral artery; and (vii) temporal artery. It is provided in Matlab ® format.
The database was reported in this article. The database and code used to produce the results reported in this article are provided in the Supplementary Material.
Downloading the Preliminary Database
The database is publicly available here. The Data Access Statement in the accompanying article provides a brief overview of the contents of the data files.
Any queries about the database should be directed to peter.charlton@kcl.ac.uk.