Receiving Mail Packs

This page describes processes to undertake when receiving mail packs.

Table of contents

  1. Open the package
  2. Fill out the device return receipt
  3. Where to put the package
  4. Notes on downloading data

Follow these steps when receiving a mail pack in the post returned from a participant:

Open the package

Open the bag and the box inside. Throw away any spare chest dots, and any non-confidential paper (e.g. envelopes without IDs, instruction leaflet).

If there are any additional items in the box then please make sure they have a participant ID written on them, and store them for review.

Fill out the device return receipt

Open the ‘Device return receipt’ qualtrics questionnaire, and fill out the details, noting the following:

  • If possible, it’s helpful to enter the questionnaire responses into the separate qualtrics questionnaire when prompted.

Where to put the package

Once the ‘Device return receipt has been filled out’:

  • If the questionnaire responses have been recorded then place the questionnaire in the ‘SAFER Wearables’ box in the filing room. If not then keep the questionnaire in the box.
  • Place the package in the ‘SAFER Wearables Devices (Cleaned but not disconnected)’ box in the filing room.
  • Put the bag in the confidential waste.

Notes on downloading data

these notes are to be added to a different SOP:

  • There is the option to download the data from devices and store it, which can take some time. If doing this then see the Receiving Devices SOP for details of how to do this.

Copyright © 2021 Peter Charlton.