
I find a useful resource for identifying suitable licences. Also, this paper provides a helpful overview of the process of ‘Choosing an open source license’.

This page provides a few licences which I have found helpful during my research:

Software Licences

  • MIT License: “The MIT License is short and to the point. It lets people do almost anything they want with your project, like making and distributing closed source versions.” Source: (text reproduced under CC BY 3.0, hyperlink added).
    • This script provides an example of using the MIT License in a MATLAB script.
  • GNU General Public License: “The GNU General Public License lets people do almost anything they want with your project, except distributing closed source versions.” Source: (text reproduced under CC BY 3.0, hyperlink added).

This webpage provides some useful information on how to apply a licence to a piece of software.

Publication Licences

to be added…

Copyright © 2021 Peter Charlton.