Identifying Potential Participants

This page describes processes for identifying potential participants.

Table of contents

Each participating GP Practice is provided with a list of up to 42 potential participants at their practice. The potential participants are identified as follows:

  • All SAFER participants diagnosed with AF (n = nAF) during SAFER screening are included in the list. The remaining places on the list (n = 42-nAF) are allocated to a random selection of SAFER participants who received any diagnosis other than ‘screening failure’.
  • A list of these potential participants is created through a SAFER database export.
  • This list is converted into a list suitable for sharing with GP Practices by removing any superfluous fields such as study IDs, to leave the following columns: FirstName, Surname, DOB, NHSNo.
  • Save this list as _‘_Potential_Participant_List'_

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