All are welcome to contribute to this project. You may wish to contribute:
1. New content: You may have ideas for new content to be included in the book. Follow these instructions to make suggestions
If your suggestion relates to a specific page, then go to that page.
Hover over the
button at the top of the page, and click ‘open issue’ from the dropdown list that appears.
This will take you to GitHub, where you can post suggestions for improvement. You will require a GitHub login to do this.
2. Modifications to existing content: You may propose edits to existing content. To do so, follow these instructions
Go to the page you would like to edit
Hover over the
button at the top of the page, and click ‘suggest edit’ from the dropdown list that appears.
This will take you to GitHub, where you can edit the page directly and submit the proposed edits for approval. You will require a GitHub login to do this.
When contributing, please either contribute your own ideas/text, or clearly acknowledge the original source of the ideas/text.